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Hazine-i Hassa
Hazine-i Hassa was founded in the time of Mehmet the Conqueror.
?irket-i Osmaniye
Believing that marine transportation would be conducted more healthily by the companies so as to make the tariff voyages without delay and accurately, the state founded "?irket-i Osmaniye" with the participation of Hazine-i Hassa. 
Formation of the Hazine-i Hassa Kumpanyas?
After some time Hazine-i Hassa separated from this company and started to operate its own vessels under the name of "Hazine-i Hassa Kumpanyas?".?
The title of Hazine-i Hassa Kumpanyas? was changed as Mecidiye ?irketi.
1843 1870 Fevaid-i Osmaniye ?irketi
The title of "Mecidiye ?irketi" was changed as "Fevaid-i Osmaniye ?irketi".
1851 1944 ?irket-i Hayriye
It is the first national incorporated company open to the public as a private venture founded In our country with the orders of The Emperor Abd?lmecid to operate ships between Istanbul and Bo?azi?i and Kad?k?y.
1944 Devlet Deniz Yollar?
Turkish Maritime Organization
1870 1878 ?dare-i Aziziye??
1872 ?dare-i Mahsusa i Aziziye
1878 ?dare i Mahsusa
1910 1923 Osmanl? Syeri Sefain ?daresi
1923 T?rkiye Seyr-i Sefain ?daresi?
1933 T?rkiye Seyr-i Sefain ?daresi was separated into 3 parts...
1 -Akay, (from Istanbul and vicinity to Yalova through internal lines),
2 ? Management o Marine Routes, (from Istanbul and vicinity to Yalova through internal lines)
3 ? Factory and Pools Management
1937 Marine Routes, AKAY, Factory and Pools Management, Istanbul, ?zmir, and Trabzon Port Organizations, Lifeboat Service Management, and the Lake Van Organization were assigned to Denizbank founded in the body of the Economy Ministry. 
1938 Denizbank started operations.
1939 Denizbank terminated operations.
It was closed in 1939 with the Law numbered 3633 and, instead, two general managements were founded as Devlet Limanlar? ??letme Umum M?d?rl??? (General Management for State Ports Operations) and Devlet Denizyollar? ve ??letmeleri Umum M?d?rl??? (General Management for State Maritime Lines and Operations).?
1944 Devlet Deniz Yollar? Umum M?d?rl??? was divided into two groups.
Devlet Deniz Yollar? Umum M?d?rl??? was changed into a new formation under the name of Devlet Deniz Yollar? ve Limanlar? Umum M?d?rl??? (General Management for State Maritime Lines and Ports) in 1944 with a restructuring that included the state ports.
1945 ?irket-i Hayriye was liquidated.
After this, all the ships and the assets in the possession of ?irket-i Hayriye whose concessions ended were transferred to Devlet Deniz Yollar? ve Limanlar? Umum M?d?rl??? ?ehir Hatlar? M?d?rl??? (City Lines Directorate), and ?irket-i Hayriye was actually terminated on 15.01.1945.
1952 Denizcilik Bankas? T.A.O. started operations.
Denizcilik Bankas? T.A.O. was founded in 1951 as per the Law numbered 5842 in order to conduct transportation services in domestic and international waters, and to perform the operation of the shipyards, pools, and similar facilities of the stated, and started operations as of 01.03.1952.
1954 Denizcilik Bankas? TAO. (?ilepcilik ??letmesi)
Denizcilik Bankas? TAO. (?ilepcilik ??letmesi)./ The DENIZCILIK BANKASI, the freight ships, and the tankers were collected under an enterprise on 1.01.1954. Ulysse Nardin Replica
1955 DB. DENIZ NAKLIYATI TA? was established.
With the participation of DENIZCILIK BANKASI TAO., TC. Emekli Sand???, and other organizations with small shares, DB. DENIZ NAKLIYATI TA?. was established with a capital of 110,000,000 TL. on 22.6.1955 as per the Law numbered 5842.
1983 T?rkiye Denizcilik Kurumu (TUDEK)?
The name of the main body of Denizcilik Bankas? T.A.O was changed as T?rkiye Denizcilik Kurumu (TUDEK) /Turkish Maritime Organization) in 1983 due to administrational changes.
1984 ?T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri
The name of T?rkiye Denizcilik Kurumu Genel M?d?rl??? was changed to T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri Genel M?d?rl??? as per the Decree Law numbered 233 pertaining to the Restructuring of the State Economic Enterprises coming into force in 1984.
1984 T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri
The name of T?rkiye Denizcilik Kurumu Genel M?d?rl??? was changed to T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri Genel M?d?rl??? as per the Decree Law numbered 233 pertaining to the Restructuring of the State Economic Enterprises coming into force in 1984.
1994 TD? T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri A.?.
Continuing its operation under the body of R.T. Trasportation Ministry, Turkish Maritime Lines were taken? under the scope of privatization and assigned to the Directorate of Privatization Administration established as per the Law accepted on 24.11.1994 and numbered 4046, and the name was changed as TD? T?rkiye Denizcilik ??letmeleri A.?.
2000 Deniz Nakliyat? T.A.?.??????
Its shares were transferred as a block to the new owner together with the assets, receivables, and debts on 24.03.2000 with the Share Sales Agreement contracted between the R.T. Prime Ministry Directorate of Privatization Administration and the Armat?rler Denizcilik Ve Nakliyat A.? as per the decision of the Privatization High Council dated 03.03.2000 and numbered 2000/16.


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